Glean AI streamlines Insurance provider Thimble's AP workflow


Thimble makes insurance simple and fast for any business. But it's own AP process was 100% manual using spreadsheets and lots of emails. Paying bills wasted hours of time and invoice errors could easily slip through the cracks.

Glean AI automated the AP process, sped up the workflow, and allowed the finance team to resolve discrepancies in minutes instead of hours.

Two founders
How would you describe Glean AI to a friend?:
Our AP and Overall Spend Management Solution.
What are the best features of Glean AI?:
The automated invoice processing and the capability to pull the relevant/important information from the PDF file. Additionally, Glean AI's ability to catch and act on duplicative invoices.
ROI of using Glean AI:
Glean AI has optimized the AP process by automatically processing the invoices and sending it to the appropriate party to review them. By doing this Glean AI also allows approvers and department heads to see the current status of their vendor's invoices (Paid / Unpaid / Initiated) which saves the team from having to actually look into this information for them. Additionally, Glean AI recently helped an approver catch an overcharge.
Time consuming AP ends here.
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Automation with Glean AI

Founded in 2015 and having raised nearly $30 million in funding, Thimble is growing fast. They are quickly becoming the go-to insurance solution for a variety of businesses, rolling out insurance options for unique business verticals such as crafters, pet groomers, and drone operators.

Their AP workflow, however, was not keeping up with their growth. Manual and tedious, the increasing number of monthly invoices was bogging down their finance team.

Says Mike DeGennaro, Senior Accounting and Finance Manager at Thimble:

“My entire process was manual, and it was taking up more and more of my time as Thimble grew. Implementing Glean AI was an excellent decision. Not only does Glean AI make the AP process more efficient, it also makes you a better finance professional because it takes a bit of human error out of the AP process. Glean AI definitely increases efficiencies and perfects my AP workflow.”

Before Glean AI: Multi-step Manual Process, Errors, Uncertainty

Before using Glean AI, Mike’s day-to-day included checking an AP inbox for invoices and manually entering data from those invoices—invoice date, due date, the approver, amount—into a spreadsheet.

Then he’d do it all over again, re-entering the invoices one by one into the accounting system to get them approved and paid. It was a tedious process that took hours, not to mention the inevitable errors, typos, etc.

With so many invoices and bills coming in, errors and discrepancies were missed. Says Mike, “We have vendors who consistently invoice us for the same amount, so it’s easy to miss if they accidentally send duplicate invoices.”

Jodi Ann Bansfield, an Insurance Analyst with Thimble, did notice some billing discrepancies while conducting a review, and she wanted to investigate. “Resolving the issue would’ve meant sifting through countless files, spreadsheets, and paper invoices. It would have been at least a few hours,” said Jodi about the process.

"Glean AI picked up a duplicate invoice that I missed, and that’s when I realized that Glean AI was doing much more than making my job easier –it was saving us money. I was about to pay that duplicate invoice on my next run. Extrapolated out, in the long run, gleans will likely save Thimble a significant amount of money."

- Michael DeGennaro, Director of Finance

After Glean AI: Automated, Efficient, Proactive

With Glean AI, instead of manually entering data points from invoices into a spreadsheet, that process is fully automated. This is a huge win for Mike. “All that manual labor was eating into my day and taking time from value-added activities. Now, I just look at Glean AI, see if an invoice is approved, click pay, and then it's done for me. I’m not living in my spreadsheet anymore.”

Jodi is also saving time using Glean AI to resolve discrepancies with fees. Glean AI stores all invoices and displays them in an interface designed for finance teams, therefore Jodi now has a single reference point for comparing amounts owed. Says Jodi, “I love Glean AI’s historical tracking abilities, having everything organized and right there in the system. It allows me to be faster and better at my job.”

Glean AI is a necessary tool in any finance team’s technology stack.