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The features that make the next-generation Accounts Payable solution.

Spencer Campbell
October 25, 2023

In the dynamic world of modern business, the efficient management of expenses and vendor interactions is vital for every company. Enter, providing an all-encompassing answer for streamlined spend management and automated invoice handling. Let's delve into how is transforming the landscape for companies, regardless of their scale.

Unlimited Users, Volume-Based Pricing

One of the standout features of is its flexible pricing model. Unlike many other platforms that charge per user, offers unlimited users across all plans. This approach ensures that collaboration across teams on crucial spending decisions is not hindered by user limits. Pricing is based on volume, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses managing a large number of invoices.

Complete Invoice Automation takes the hassle out of invoice processing. The platform offers complete automation, eliminating the need for data entry or general ledger coding. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of human error.

Centralized Document Storage and More

With, all your important documents are stored centrally, making it easy to access and manage them. The platform also offers automated prepaid amortizations, accrual bookings and reversals, custom approval workflows, and easy vendor onboarding and management.

Advanced Analytics and Insights is more than just a tactical tool for reviewing and approving bills. It provides detailed insights and context around your spending, helping you make more informed decisions. The platform captures valuable line item data, offering powerful analytics on underlying cost drivers.

Quick and Easy Setup

Getting started with is straightforward. You simply add their unique email address to your existing forwarding rule, and the platform begins generating useful insights on your vendor spend. Connecting your bank account and general ledger system is also a breeze, allowing you to start using the platform for accounts payable within a day.

No Overage Fees's customer-friendly approach extends to its billing policy as well. The platform does not charge overage fees. If you exceed the number of invoices included in your plan, you automatically move to the next tier after two consecutive months of exceeding a level.

Customer Success Stories

The effectiveness of is best illustrated through its customer success stories. Finance teams have reported significant time savings and improved efficiency in managing vendor relationships and expenses. The platform's spend visibility feature has been particularly praised for enabling businesses to save money.

Conclusion is not just an automation tool; it's a strategic partner in spend management. With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and insightful analytics, is an invaluable asset for any business looking to streamline its expense management processes. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation,'s scalable solution can adapt to your specific needs, helping you save time and money.

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