About Glean Product Updates May 23, 2024 🚀: Billable expenses, streamlined invoice navigation, filtering improvements, and more!

Rob Call
May 23, 2024

We're thrilled to announce some exciting product enhancements! These features are available now in your account.

  • Invoice filtering and navigation
  • Updating the status for stale checks
  • Billable expenses for QuickBooks Online
  • Beta Features Promoted to General Availability (see below)

Thank you in advance and enjoy these new features!

Invoice Filtering and Navigation will now remember sorting, filtering, searching and pagination in each browser tab.

Additionally, when you click on an invoice, you’ll see new navigation controls that make it easier to see the next or previous invoice on your previously filtered list.

Updating the Status for Stale Checks

Some checks that you issue go ‘stale’ - when the vendor does not receive or deposit them. In the Payments report, you can now filter for Stale checks (checks that have remained as Initiated for 10+ days).

Once a payment is Stale, you can click on the Initiated label to revert it back to Unpaid, or mark it as Delivered.

Billable Expenses for QuickBooks Online

Customers that use QuickBooks Online can now flag an entire bill or individual line items as “Billable” within

Once synced to QuickBooks Online, the expense will be labeled Billable so you can quickly generate an invoice for that expense and send it to your customer.

Beta Features Promoted to General Availability

The following features, previously in Beta, are now available to all customers.

  • Inherited descriptions from previous invoices
  • Prefill bank account based on GL
  • Filter invoices and payments report by GL
  • Improved vendor filters and setup
  • Self service for updating an incorrect vendor on an invoice
  • Bulk sync and change record date

We appreciate your feedback on these enhancements and look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks for reading!

Rob Product Team

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